New clients receive 25% off first exam! Senior citizens receive 10% off exam fee.

Dental Consent

Thank you for choosing Vernon Hills Animal Hospital for your pet’s dental needs. We greatly appreciate it!

Dental Consent Form

Please fill out this form as completely and accurately as possible so we can get to know you and your pet(s) before your visit. If this is an emergency, or if your pet needs urgent care, please call us at 847-367-4070 for a faster response.


Sometimes the doctor will find teeth that need to be extracted. This may involve extra expenses, such as increased anesthetic time, local anesthetic blocks, pain control, antibiotics, and the cost of extracting the tooth or teeth. It is very important that the doctor understands your expectations regarding dental extractions.

Please be aware that choosing the third option may necessitate your pet undergoing the extractions at a later date, and all applicable fees will be charged. There will be no discount on anesthesia or other associated costs.


Like you, our greatest concern is the health and well-being of your pet. Because your pet cannot describe symptoms to let us know what might be wrong, we run blood tests to give us the answers we need, especially before surgery. By testing blood chemistries, we can evaluate the status of your pet’s major organs. The latest in technology has enabled us to run blood chemistries quickly and accurately before anesthetic induction. Senior pets (those 8 and over) are required to have this test done prior to any anesthetic procedure.


We require fluid therapy for any patient undergoing a general anesthesia for dental procedures. Fluid therapy is an important element of anesthetic patient management because it helps:

  • Maintain hydration
  • Maintain blood pressure
  • Provide ready access to a vein for medication

I understand that during the performance of the foregoing procedure(s) or operations(s), unforeseen conditions may be revealed that necessitate an extension of the foregoing procedure(s) or operation(s) than those set forth above. Therefore, I hereby consent to and authorize the performance of such procedure(s) or operation(s) if necessary and desirable in the exercise of the veterinarian’s professional judgment.

I also authorize the use of appropriate anesthetics and other medications, and I understand that hospital support personnel will be employed as deemed necessary by the veterinarian.

The nature of such service has been described to me to my satisfaction, and I realize that neither guarantee nor warranty can ethically or professionally be made regarding the results or cure.

I understand that I assume financial responsibility for all services rendered and that payment is due on the date of the surgery.

I hereby authorize the performance of the oral exam (which may include dental radiographs), ultrasonic cleaning, and extractions (as authorized above).

Clear Signature